Climate Change & Sustainability Workshops
Climate change and sustainability are key subjects being discussed across the world today and we all need to play a part in making a positive change to how we live and work.
However, the subjects can be confusing, there are many myths and many of us have a number of unanswered questions.
Our subject matter experts, who are environmentalists and campaigners have been following the science for many years and will deliver an engaging session where everyone's questions will be answered.
For more information on our Climate Change and Sustainability programmes contact us on
0345 5480080 or email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk
"I wasn't sure exactly what the workshop would entail however, I was surprised by how interested I became during the discussion and I feel that I have come out of it with much more understanding of what needs to be done and the importance of reaching the goal for preventing a climate emergency" Student Employability Manager ,NWSLC