CEIAG Staff Development, Support & Consultancy
Described as a 'thinking partner' by the schools and colleges we have partnered with, we provide consultancy, support and staff training to schools and colleges. Our range of services support education institutions to meet national and local standards including the Framework for Careers (CDI), Gatsby Benchmarks and Quality in Careers Standard.
Staff Development: ​​
We can offer school INSET days for individual schools and academy trusts, examples of which include:
Strategies to support young people at risk of NEET
Integrating CLMI and careers learning within the curriculum
National perspectives on CEIAG and how this impacts on schools and Ofsted inspections
How to engage with, or utilise employers in schools and colleges
Education’s role in equipping students with 21st century skills
We can review the existing provision with relevant staff and create an action plan and report of recommendations.
100% of the 24 schools and colleges we have worked with said the review and subsequent action plans would help them improve the CEIAG provision in their school
100% said they would recommend our support to other schools and colleges
We offer support for :
Trainee advisers appointed directly by the school who wish to keep abreast of relevant current national and local perspectives
Those wishing to renew their careers information systems and our specialist acts as a ‘go to’ expert for anything related to CLMI and careers information resources​
All our CEIAG and WRL consultants and trainers are:
on the national register of guidance practitioners with the Career Development Institute (Level 6/7)
highly experienced at working with education providers and local business leaders
Our organisation is:
Matrix Standard accredited
members of Careers England
Affiliate members of the CDI
Discussions are always welcome regarding individual institution requirements.
Please call 0345 5480080 or email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk
"Career Seeker Direct are a very competent and professional supplier. They delivered an innovative career support service for Warwickshire County Council acting as a critical friend to Warwickshire schools and colleges and giving advice on improvements to their existing career support for students. Only positive feedback has been received from the schools and colleges who they have worked with." WCC Skills For Employment Manager​​​​​